Monday, February 13, 2012

Don’t Let that Gym Membership Keep You from Being Active

Is your gym membership holding you back? Have you ever considered this question…it could be keeping you from being active on a regular basis.

Don’t get me wrong; having a gym membership is a perfectly reasonable way to gain access to a place that will allow you to exercise. But having the membership does not automatically imply that you will use it. The gap between ownership and usage is pretty large. There's a large group of people who are nodding their heads in agreement with me on this. These are the people who started 2012 with great intentions of getting into better shape and losing weight. Their first move was to jump on that local gym membership special. It seemed like such a good idea at the time, and it worked out well for the first month.

Then there was the change in the schedule for the daughter's dance lessons; or there was the unexpected job assignment that required some later hours; or (you fill in the blank).

Now it’s been 3 weeks, and you pass by the gym on the way home but haven’t graced them with your presence. In the meantime, you opt to do nothing until you can get back on track. After all, you are paying for this membership and you plan to use it…sometime. One of my patients once explained it to me like this—why go out and walk around the neighborhood or do something at home when he had this perfectly good gym membership that he should be using. He would feel guilty for cheating on the gym by exercising elsewhere.

Physical activity and exercise need to be SIMPLE, structured to MEET YOUR LIFESTYLE DEMANDS, and ENJOYABLE enough for you to look forward to the time. Trying to do the latest fitness craze won’t be successful for you if it’s too complicated for you or you loathe the idea of turning on that DVD. Feeling that you have to meet a pre-conceived idea about what physical activity or exercise is can hold you back from doing anything at all. If the gym membership isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to drop it and find something you can do. Invest that money in a good pair of shoes and start a walking program or a Couch to 5K program.

This week, devise the simplest plan you can think of to get some higher levels of physical activity. It could be a 10 minute walk at work or a quick loop around the block before you head in the house upon your return home. Let's work on this for the week. Continue your daily journal and keep track of your activity levels. We'll come back with more on exercise this week.   

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